Established in 1988, Quantum Excavating specializes in public storm water improvements, natural stream restoration, municipal road culvert replacement, and erosion control. Our primary clients are county drain and water resource commissioners, county road commissioners, and city public works departments.
Open Drain Cleanout/2-Stage Ditch
Complete open drain maintenance, including Clearing, brush mowing, sediment removal, erosion control and repair, and restoration
Road Culverts
From 12” plastic pipe to 8’ X 20’ concrete box culverts.
Slope Restoration
Slope pullback and restoration, stone riprap, steel sheet piling, stacked block, gabion baskets
Enclosed Storm Sewer
Storm sewer installation and repair.
Storm Water Outfall
Enclosed or open outfall systems, using a variety of methods.
Stream Restoration
Restoring water systems back to a more natural meandering stream, using natural materials such as logs, natural stones, and biodegradable mulch blanket and coir logs, and native seed mixes and live stakes.